The Oakland A's had a tough challenge ahead of them as they faced the New York Yankees with CC Cebathia on the mound. Our Seats were in a skybox directly behind home plate, so we could see every at-bat perfectly. These were some of the best views I have ever experienced. The game started with the sun just over the left field line and ended well into the night. During the game, it was nice to catch up with all of the current and past NCGA SIT members. It was great to see that most of us were Oregon State University Alumni. Most of the guys were rooting for the A's to pull out the victory. There were no Yankee fans in our group, especially myself. With Red Sox in my blood, I was pulling for the A's heavily, and even had enough gusto to wear my Red Sox sweatshirt to the game. The Yankees ended up winning, but I had a great time overall. Here are some pictures of our amazing view.

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